Sunday, October 18, 2009


This is the new logo for my YouTube channel.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

This Just In!

THIS JUST IN! I have found the location of Frostmourne Pedestal!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Goblin from Website

Another bored post.

Worgen Picture of the Website

Now, this post was because I was bored...

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Goblin Mount 2: The Picture

This is the picture for the goblin mount!


This is a picture of a level 85 Worgen Rogue. And it is not off the WebSite.

The Lost Isles Map!

I finally have the map!

Next expansion?

I really think the next expansion of WoW will be about Sargeras, the Dark Titan. I don't exactly know what it would be called though... probably ::World of Warcraft: DOOM:: And I would be pretty sure the whole world will be pretty much devoured and prehaps another world...unlike Azeroth and Outland this world may be all to himself,practically a dungeon with about 2,000,000 mobs with all new models.

Worgen Creation (Maybe)

I would probably roll a Worgen, the thing I really don't like though is that its basically another Human race and the transformation is a SPELL why can't you just stay as a Worgen? Also, their mount is pretty weird...a deformed pig?(Basically a Helboar)

Goblin Creation, a chat to myself

Ahh, when I make my Goblin I am so either leveling, perhaps make one to RP, not so much PvP I'm more of a PvE person...but mine will probably be darkish green maybe ponytail (blackhair) hmm if there is a face customization probably red or orange eyes and for sure a Goblin Warrior.

Worgen Mount

The worgen mount will be a deformed pig...not so epic.

Goblin Mount

The goblin mount will be something like a Go Kart, I will get a picture soon but for now just picture it in your mind

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Just Started

Just started this new blog however I have many more.


Cataclysm will probably come out about November 26th of 2010.